We don’t have a highlights note from last week’s meeting of our Board of Advisors, because this was an unusual meeting. We were generously hosted by David Partridge and Argent, with a presentation and discussion about the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard project, whose governance board David chairs. This strikes us as an important and very well-supported initiative and we look forward to encouraging feedback from our network when industry input is sought later this year. Please access the latest NZCBS quarterly update here to learn more about it.
The group then enjoyed a fascinating tour of the “Shard on its side” that is the new (still under construction) Google Building at King’s Cross – unfortunately we are not allowed to share the photographic evidence from inside the building, so you will just have to imagine how fashionable everyone looked in hard hats, high viz jackets, etc. What we can show you is this photo of a tree being crane-lifted up onto the building shortly after our visit.