Were you wondering why we hadn’t had a securitisation consultation for such a long time? No, neither were we… But the European Commission launched one last week. It’s important, covering big questions like the definition of securitisation, the STS-related rules and the public/private distinction.  And it’s a monster, with some 169 questions crammed into a deceptively short 37 pages. Access it, and the response form, here.

We have started talking with AFME and AIMA about coordination, but if we are to use this opportunity to get any wins for CRE finance markets, we will need member input to help us prioritise, find our way through areas where views differ, and organise our responses. We also encourage market participant firms to respond in their own right. Please let Peter know if you are interested in being involved in work on this over the next few weeks (closing date: 4 December!).

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