We are planning to form two new industry initiatives groups that we think should be of interest to relevant constituencies in our membership, and are considering a third.
We have already had very good interest in a forum on back leverage, especially from debt funds that are users of back leverage and from lawyers (as well as from a few providers of back leverage). We have critical mass, but are very happy to hear further expressions of interest – please just drop Peter a line.
We are also keen to launch a forum for insurer lenders, and have just reached out to a few people in the network that we think might be interested. If we didn’t include you but you think you would belong in this group, please contact Peter.
Finally, amidst signs of growing stress in the construction sector, we’ve had one or two very preliminary discussions about a possible working group to consider questions like how contractor failure risk might be better managed for the benefit of lenders and others (scope very much for discussion). If you would like to contribute to a construction finance working group, please let Peter know.