Location: 8-10 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6DA

This session is aimed at recent graduate/analyst levels

The How to Lend teach in will provide an overview of the lending process by working through a case study. The presenters are from three different lending institutions, AIG Asset Management, ING and Lloyds Bank so will be able to provide a real insight into the analysis, structuring and pricing of a real estate debt finance transactions. 

Key topics will include: 

  • Why would an investor choose to leverage their portfolio
  • How does a lender assess an opportunity and size the debt appropriately for the risk appetite of the institution
  • What are the considerations in pricing, and how does that interplay with the wider real estate market 


  • Michael Shneerson, Commercial Real Estate Finance, AIG
  • Sophie McGovern, Associate - Real Estate Finance, ING
  • Abbie Wiggins, Associate Director - Global Investors and Listed, Lloyds Banking Group

 You can submit your questions in advance of the session, or ask on the day.  A superb learning and networking opportunity for the YPREF folk.

This is a paid training session: £30 + VAT fee to CREFC Europe members / £60 + VAT fee to non-members.


Registered office: C/o PKF Littlejohn LLP, 15 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD, United Kingdom.
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