We formed a forum to focus on the construction financing market in 2024, in response to widespread concerns both about specific recent and current challenges in this market, and about more structural problems relating to the way risk is allocated and managed across different types of market participant.

In 2024, meetings focused on contractor insolvency (CREFC Europe members can access meeting materials here), the UK Building Safety Act regime in practice (meeting materials here), and insurances (meeting materials here).

In 2025, we are shifting from sharing insights to trying to help this market work better, and we are also looking to reduce the forum to a more workable size for that shift in its intended role and activity.

The group is chaired by Emma Perrin (A&O Shearman) with co-chair support from Sam Shah and Rachel Pearson (Lloyds) and Arthur Jennings (Cain International). Please contact Peter for more information.

Registered office: C/o PKF Littlejohn LLP, 15 Westferry Circus, London E14 4HD, United Kingdom.
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