Jennie is a partner in the Real Estate finance and structured finance practice at Norton Rose Fulbright. She represents lenders, sponsors, investors and servicers in connection with the origination, syndication, securitisation and restructuring and enforcement of real estate debt and commercial and residential loans throughout Europe.
Jennie graduated from the University of Montreal in 2002 and holds a Master of
Laws (2004) from LSE. She was admitted as avocate from the Quebec Bar in 2005
and as a solicitor in England & Wales in 2010. As a mother of two, she is
an advocate for the progression of women in the real sector sector and the
progression of BAME professionals in the legal industry. She is a a board
member of CREW UK, co-chair of Origins (the Norton Rose Fulbright's BAME
employee netowrk) and a member of Black Women in Asset Management.
In her personal life, Jennie enjoys literature, pilates and ballet.